日本財団 図書館

Operation and management:


Shipyard operation,facilities and human resources,scheduling,stock control,flexible production,organization,project management,reengineering,concurrent engineering,virtual enterprise,remote production system and CALS.


Advanced information technology:


Virtual reality,automated design and production systems,data and knowledge sharing,communication standards, updated object technologies and computer parallelism.




Information-based shipbuilding industry, system architecture,information flow analysis,competitiveness and productivity of the shipyard. This topic includes general discussion of shipbuilding IT projects, systems and industry.


Instructions for Abstracts


All authors are requested to submit abstracts of their proposed paper to the Secretariat of ICCAS '97. Abstracts should be in English and must include the title of the paper, the preferred topic(s),the author's name and affiliation and full address including phone and facsimile numbers and E-mail address. The main body of the abstract should not exceed 350 words. Abstracts submitted by E-mail are also encouraged.


Important Dates


Abstract Deadline: February 7,1997.
Acceptance Notification: April 4,1997.
Final Paper Deadline: July 11,1997.


Inquires/Mailing Address


Abstracts should be mailed to:
Secretariat of ICCAS '97
c/o International Communications Specialists,Inc.
Kasho Bldg.,2-14-9,Nihombashi,Chuo-ku,Tokyo 103,Japan
Tel:+81-3-3272-7981 Fax:+81-3-3273-2445
E-mail:iccas97@ics-inc.co.jp URL:http://www.ics-inc,co.jp/iccas97


Final Papers


Papers should not exceed 15 pages and be in English. Papers will be reviewed before final acceptance. All important format requirements for the preparation of the cameraready manuscript will be sent to authors. Style files will also be obtainable on homepage ICCAS '97. All contributed papers will be published in the Proceedings of ICCAS '97.




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